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zheng ke xin(!)

020195, my special day

1D'08 2E'09♥♥
NCDCC(!) it's th cca ;D

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Sunday, May 31, 2009
HAHAHA! today is THE happiest day of my life so far. lol. coz i finally got the courage to get 2 more ear piercings. YAY!!!! woohoo!!! i didnt cry. lol. sooo unexpected. i was like seriously freaking out. luckily JaceTayJieYi was there. she even paid for me you noe. haha. she's like my life saviour or smth ;DD THX LOADS SISTERR!!! ohh... ya... Teresa is at our hse now. haha. im like going to go and pierce 1 more next wk with Teresa. Jace is going too. haha. she promised to pay for me. :) i shld be piercing a helix nxt wk. LOL! damn scared.


Friday, May 29, 2009
okok. shall tok bout ystd first yeahh?

had the yog activities thingy in sch today!!! woohoo! FUN-NESS! HAHA! simply LOVED WATER SOCCER!!! was all drenched lahh. then it was like super funny. me and the clique walked arnd the sch without any socks and shoes. OMG! then aft eating and stuff, we went back to class. it was friggin' COLD! haha. damn funny. then we were like dripping wet. wah. then becoz in aircon rm, our clothes were dry like supersuper quickly. then all of us (Eunice, Cherie, Erica, even Tian Hui they all...) went to the toilet. haha. we made ourselves wet agn. damn funny. i was like damn wet. xDD. wah. then when class started, i was like seriously damndamn cold. haha. i even borrowed Tian Hui's bag. coz i cant hug my own bag. so i had to hug his bag lah. soo funny. he was also cold, like seriously, his hands were damn cold. HAHAHA!

ok. so aft sch. went macs. then Erica went home. so me and cherie then went to the main gate to meet Zi Yi. aft tat, we sat outside the gate to wait for Chomel. thennn, went to meet Chomel's sister. yup. tat's bout it.

ohh. ya. my aunty just told me tat she signed me, Jace, herself and my mum up for private grp tennis lessons. i was like WTH?! random? soo sudden... HAHA!

had no sch today. haha. starting to miss the CLIQUE♥ badly alrdy D; hope we can have a CAREBEAR and TG outing yeahh?

Saturday, May 23, 2009
OMG!!! I LOVE 2E!!! cant believe tat 2E made it through to the finals for cheer com!!! ;DD HAPPYHAPPY♥ wow. our hardwork reli paid off. damn happy can? when they announced the results for the cheer com, it was 1H, 2E, then 2J. wah. when they said 2E, there was like a long pause. then followed by LOUDLOUD screaming. YAY! I LOVE 2E!!!

LOL. ok. so went stadium at 2 plus to meet 2e for class cheer practice. it was screwed up. we took a long time to choose the song. then we onli came up with 1 dance step. wth. haix. well at least we chose the song xD. tmrw have to tink of the dance steps le. if not then we are seriously screwed le. sports day is like on wed. we dont have much time lorh. alotalot of pressure now. omg. artstreat is like on mon -.-'' damn. i dont wan go sch on mon. damndamn sad i diff package frm EUNICE, ERICA and CHERIE. aiyo. eunice and erica are the same package. then cherie is a diff one, me also. lol. damn sad.

ohh. had NCDCC ystd. we had 1hr of CPR taught by SHUBLI, then the rest of the time was spent on playing games. haha. but i wasnt feeling well, then CARINNA and ZIYI sort of "injured" thier legs then they also didnt participate. it is seriously like a torture can? stupid sore throat and flu!!! but im like better now. YAY! hopefully by tmrw or mon i will fully recover :)

ohh ya. which reminds me. tis is for LAOYIEN: HAHAHAHAHA! you seriously damn unlucky can? wah. yr face got bruise leh. LOL! xD i wish tat i could have seen it. i bet i will be like laughing seriously loud...

Saturday, May 16, 2009
HAHA! i noe im like uber lag. but i just wan to officially announce tat MYEs ARE OVERR!!! ;DD YAY! ok. so let me summarise the stuff tat has been happening.

-watched 17 Again. with Mohaid, CherieHONEYY and EricaDEAR ;D (LOVED THE MOVIE!)
-went lan to play L4d agn. HAHA! FUN-NESS!!! crazy over L4d noww...
-went to stadium and taught the class girls the dance moves. it went pretty well :)
-went for first maths tuition. (toked to AUDREA, she is in the same class. so coincidental. hehe)
-walked arnd suntec today.
-got my hair cut thin. and i FINALLY cut my fringe shorter. 8)
- my sis bought a green ipod nano.

yupyup. so tat's bout it. i cant reli rmb if anything else happened. LOL!

ohh ya. currently crazy over the song SECOND CHANCE-SHINEDOWN♥

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
EricaDEAR and CherieHONEYY came over to my hse today. yupyups. me and Cherie played L4d. HAHAHAHA! friggin fun :) Erica was playing hotel 626. damn funny.

wah tmrw mathspaper1. nid revise for maths agn -.-''


Saturday, May 9, 2009
HEYYHEYY! going to post before i start my science revision ;D haha. summarising all the mye papers tat i have taken:

chinese: still ok...
maths paper2: ohhh noooo D; die le
lit: definitely screwed...
english: okok
geog: still ok bah...

hmmm... cant rmb if i missed out any hor. HAHA! basically. im SCREWED! i will probably fail everything or smth...

haha. so aft the exams, me, EricaDEARR, CherieHONEYY, EuniceDARDAR and Mohaid went to the stadium to practice for the cheer thing AND study (xD) i tink the cheer is going quite well bah. but not sure if the class will like it lorh. haha. like just ystd, we trained frm 11 or 12 to 6. HAHA! so many hours of practice. we kept on changing the songs lorh. damn funny. ohh ya! Mohaid lost a bet so he has to take part in another round of the WASABI CHALLENGE (inside joke) OMG! the 2e challenge rocks lahh! LOL(!) took some videos of the wasabi and yoghurt challenge. will post it when i got time bahh. it is seriously damndamn funny!!!

haha. have to chiong science le. BYEE(!)

Friday, May 8, 2009
azfar: WOW azfar! tats not called bullying ok. i nvr bully him hor! HAHA.
Jonathan 2 nicole: wah. why you keep on changing yr name one? HAHA!
shufentay: haha? you damn boliao lehh -.-'' LOLLLLL. is you act cute can? xDD
winnie♥: LOL!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
HAHA! i have finally taken the trouble to upload the overdued pics(!) finally... LOL

ok. so the more recent pics are at the bottom. ;D >>>cool rite?! these ranks belong to POLARBEAR! haha. soo awesomee! 5 ranks lehh!!! 8)
>>>WO RANK...

>>>HAHA! i drew on XIAOHUI's arm. :X

>>>LOL! i took a pic of RAYMOND and ZIYI :) soo sweet hor?

>>>they were like damndamn shy. haha

>>>aft art. i went to wash my palette. so pretty ^^

>>>i was lying on the floor when i took tis pic. HAHA!

>>>CARINNAlaogong + NICOLElaopo

>>>me, CarinnaLAOGONG and CherieHONEYY (err. we were trying on the dresses for the pupil led performance thingy)

>>>upskirt of ZIYI亲爱的 and EricaDEARR♥ (frm inside the changing rm ok? LOL!)

>>>OMG! tat looks wrong...HAHAHA


>>>long fringe(?) :X

>>>EricaDEARR eating her ice-cream...

>>>we were tinking sick. it seriously looks damn wrong can? LOL!

>>>took neoprints with ZIYI亲爱的, EricaDEARR♥, CherieHONEYY and CarinnaLAOGONG. (aft the race thingy)

>>>me and EricaDEARR♥

>>>me and EricaDEARR♥ (on the MRT. on the way to SOMERSET mrt station. to meet mr wee)
ok. so tats all for now. haha. i'll see if i can get anymore photos taken during the racee. ;DD

Saturday, May 2, 2009
ok. havent been posting for like an uber long timee. LOL! been staying at home to study ok? haha. let me round up wat's been happening these few days.

-went to JULIAN's hse to watch THE OMEN 2. (it was not scary. the first one is still better)
-went to JULIAN's hse agn to study... but we ended up watching THE OMEN 3 (OMG! it was BORING- i actually fell asleep halfway. haha!)
-some sadsad stuff happened at sch. shall not mention. but we toked it over. and we patched. ;D (hope everything's alright now)
-had SPORTS HEATS aft sch, went to TM stadium. it was AWESOMEE!!!
-received a call frm SOMEONE. LOL! totally agree with wat you said. and i treasure wat we have.
-mummy finally bought a new phone. (HAHA! like FINALLYYY)

other stuff happened too but im wayy too lazy to mention them ;D hehe. ohh. and i still havent bothered to post the overdued pics yet. LOL! im way behind time.

oh well. i wont be posting for awhile. nid to chiong for MYE le! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! hope everyone can score well ;DD